Step Into Your CEO Role

Step into your CEO role by updating your email signature

This tip is for the small business owners who don't feel comfortable stepping into the CEO role of their business. #CEOtalk

I was talking with a friend last week about this. As women, we often doubt ourselves, struggle with self-esteem, unnecessarily apologize, charge too little, and generally shy away from being "too big" or "too much" in our culture. And for those working in male-dominated industries, those struggles are amplified.

Here's what I propose: if you don't have Owner and/or CEO listed as your title in your email signature, change it now. (If you don't have an email signature already, set one up!) This is a small but powerful change you can make to remind you AND your clients of how important your work and WORTH is. You're not just a photographer, designer, artist, consultant, etc. You're the small business owner who is working hard to bring a set of unique skills to the marketplace that is making your clients' lives easier... and that's BIG!!

So stop playing small today and update your email signature to step into your true role as the Owner/CEO of your business. Every time you open your email to communicate with someone, you'll have the subtle visual reminder of your worth, and you'll be reminding your (potential) clients of the same as well.

Was this helpful? If you make this shift, let me know so I can give you a virtual high five!


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